What hap­pens if I dis­able the plu­g­in? Are any of the da­ta altered?

The plu­g­in saves ad­di­tion­al da­ta about whether com­menters and users want to dis­play a gra­vatar or not (if you se­lect that mode in the set­tings). These da­ta are delet­ed when you prop­er­ly unin­stall the plugin.

Apart from that, the plu­g­in on­ly fil­ters da­ta, but does not per­ma­nent­ly change them. Es­pe­cial­ly, if you de­ac­ti­vate the plu­g­in und have gra­vatars turned on, they will again show up for every­body, even those com­menters and users who opt­ed out of dis­play­ing gra­vatars. You do have to change the de­fault gra­vatar back man­u­al­ly, though.


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