Do you plan on of­fer­ing drop-​cap capabilities?

No. The gen­er­al phi­los­o­phy of this plu­g­in is to en­able func­tion­al­i­ty that is oth­er­wise un­avail­able us­ing standards-​based web de­sign. Drop caps can be im­ple­ment­ed us­ing CSS. Here is an example:

Class names and di­men­sions will need to be ad­just­ed to your spe­cif­ic application. […]

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What are wid­ows and why pro­tect them?

A wid­ow is the fi­nal word in a block of text that falls to its own line. Es­pe­cial­ly if the wid­ow is on­ly a few char­ac­ters long, she can get lone­ly. wp-​Typography will try to pro­tect wid­ows by bring­ing them com­pa­ny from the pre­vi­ous line.

There is dan­ger that the widow’s com­pa­ny will leave the pre­vi­ous line with less than op­ti­mal word spac­ing. The risk is less if your text is left-​aligned, but if it is jus­ti­fied, tread care­ful­ly. The pro­tec­tion of wid­ows is com­plete­ly cus­tomiz­able in the […]

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