Why does this plu­g­in fil­ter con­tent at page load? Wouldn’t it be more ef­fi­cient to do it when post is saved?

There are a few reasons:

  1. If I processed at the time of sav­ing a post, the changes are de­struc­tive. This means: 
    • If peo­ple to back to ed­it their work, there will be a mul­ti­tude of hid­den char­ac­ters that will in­ter­fere with their efforts
    • Spell check would be bro­ken (in browsers like Firefox)
    • If you dis­able the plu­g­in, the changes are still hard­cod­ed, and will not go away.
  2. Changes would on­ly ap­ply to posts saved af­ter the plu­g­in was en­abled (not on pre­vi­ous posts, since they have al­ready been saved,
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