I’m us­ing Ad­vanced Cus­tom Fields and don’t want my cus­tom fields to be hy­phen­at­ed! How can I dis­able that behavior?

Please in­stall the wp-​Typography Dis­able ACF In­te­gra­tion plu­g­in by @sarukku. Al­ter­na­tive­ly, you can al­so di­rect­ly use the fil­ter hook typo_disable_filtering in your functions.php. […]

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Why are there strange char­ac­ters on my site when it is viewed with Safari?

There is a bug in the shipped Sa­fari 9 that re­sults in strange char­ac­ters be­ing ren­dered when both lig­a­tures and soft hy­phens ap­pear on the same line. (The bug is on­ly trig­gered when the font ac­tu­al­ly sup­ports lig­a­tures, e.g. with Open Sans.)

For­tu­nate­ly, adding the fol­low­ing line to your CSS fix­es the font ren­der­ing and pre­serves ligatures:

If you en­able Add workaround for Safari hyphenation bug, this CSS prop­er­ty is in­sert­ed in­to your page automatically. […]

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Why are open­ing quotes not be­ing styled?

This plu­g­in of­fers an op­tion to wrap ini­tial quotes in a span of class quo or dquo. You can then style these class­es in your CSS stylesheet. This is use­ful if you want to-​for example-​negatively in­dent quotes so the quote hangs in the left mar­gin and the text is aligned with the text below.

Please note, this ap­plies on­ly to ini­tial quotes — quotemarks that ap­pear as the first char­ac­ter of a block of text (like a para­graph or block­quote). This does not ap­ply to all open­ing quotes. […]

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Why does fil­ter­ing by HTML el­e­ment, class or ID not pre­vent processing?

wp-​Typography does not have ac­cess to HTML stored in your theme files. It on­ly has ac­cess to the con­tent passed to it (i.e. post ti­tle and con­tent); it is un­able to de­ter­mine the greater con­tex­tu­al awareness.

If you try to fil­ter pro­cess­ing based on a class of the body el­e­ment — as an ex­am­ple — noth­ing will hap­pen. wp-​Typography does not see the body el­e­ment. wp-​Typography does fil­ter by HTML el­e­ment, class or ID for any markup present with­in the parsed con­tent. So if you do not want class noTypo processed, […]

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This plu­g­in breaks post ti­tle links. What gives?

More like­ly than not, your Word­Press theme is us­ing an im­prop­er func­tion to set the ti­tle at­tribute of your heading’s link. It is prob­a­bly us­ing the the_title() func­tion, which de­liv­ers the post ti­tle af­ter fil­ter­ing. It should be us­ing the_title_attribute() which de­liv­ers the post ti­tle be­fore fil­ter­ing. Change out this func­tion through­out your theme when it is used in­side of an HTML tag, and the prob­lem should go away.

Here are some spe­cif­ic in­struc­tions for fix­ing your theme. Please note that every […]

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