What hy­phen­ation al­go­rithm is used?

The hy­phen­ation al­go­rithm used by wp-​Typography is based on the 1983 Stan­ford Ph.D. the­sis of pro­fes­sor Frank Liang: Word Hy-​phen-​a-​tion by Com-​puter. In this the­sis, Dr. Liang al­so de­vel­oped an Eng­lish (Unit­ed States) pat­tern file for use with his al­go­rithm. Liang’s Eng­lish pat­tern file was up­dat­ed in 1991 by Pe­ter Breitenlohner.

The re­sult­ing al­go­rithm — with the Eng­lish (Unit­ed States) pat­terns — finds 90% of all al­lowed hy­phen­ation points iden­ti­fied in the Webster’s Unabridged Dic­tio­nary with a 0% er­ror rate. Pat­terns for many ad­di­tion­al lan­guages have been de­vel­oped by oth­ers and vary in quality.


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