OK, but I re­al­ly want to get rid of every­thing. How do I that?

If you want to com­plete­ly unin­stall the plu­g­in and get rid of any da­ta in the data­base, you should prop­er­ly unin­stall it: De­ac­ti­vate the plu­g­in first via the Word­Press plu­g­ins page and then click Delete (same page, next to the plu­g­in). For mul­ti­site in­stal­la­tions, this has to be done by the net­work ad­min­is­tra­tor on the net­work plu­g­ins page.

The plu­g­in saves ad­di­tion­al da­ta about whether com­menters and users want to dis­play a gra­vatar or not (if you se­lect that mode in the set­tings). The fol­low­ing da­ta are stored by the plu­g­in and delet­ed up­on uninstallation:

  • cus­tom table(s) [prefix]_avatar_privacy (glob­al or per blog on new mul­ti­site installations)
  • usermeta val­ues per user: use_gravatar, avatar_privacy_hash, avatar_privacy_user_avatar
  • option per blog: avatar_privacy_settings
  • op­tion per net­work (sitemeta) on mul­ti­site in­stal­la­tions: avatar_privacy_salt
  • transient per com­menter: avapr_check_[mail hash]

The de­fault avatar im­age is set to the mys­tery man if you se­lect­ed one of the new lo­cal de­fault avatar images.


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