Will the avatar caching make my disk space run out?

While stor­ing the cached avatar im­ages on your own serv­er will take some ex­tra disk space, the plu­g­in makes sure that it does not grow out of bounds by delet­ing cached gra­vatars every oth­er day and all oth­er im­ages once a week. When the cached file is ac­cessed again, it is au­to­mat­i­cal­ly regenerated.

If you don’t have to wor­ry about the amount of disk space con­sumed, you can ex­tend the max­i­mum age of cached files via the fil­ter hooks avatar_privacy_gravatars_max_age and avatar_privacy_all_images_max_age. The cron job in­ter­vals can al­so be ad­just­ed via hooks (avatar_privacy_gravatars_cleanup_interval and avatar_privacy_all_images_cleanup_interval, re­spec­tive­ly).


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