Won’t spam com­ments flood the data­base ta­ble with use­less en­tries for the check­box in the com­ment form?

The plu­g­in does­n’t save the val­ue of the “use gra­vatar” check­box for com­ments by reg­is­tered users (see be­low), trackbacks/​pingbacks (there is no e‑mail ad­dress) and com­ments that are marked as spam when they are saved. If you mark a com­ment as spam lat­er, the ta­ble en­try is not re­moved, since the same e‑mail ad­dress might al­so be used by non-​spam com­ments. If a com­ment is marked as spam by Ak­ismet or sim­i­lar plu­g­ins and you lat­er man­u­al­ly mark it as non-​spam, what the user se­lect­ed when sub­mit­ting the com­ment will al­ready be lost. This on­ly hap­pens with spam com­ments, not com­ments who just need to be mod­er­at­ed, e.g. be­cause of the ‘needs at least one pub­lished com­ment’ rule.


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