I’m us­ing Ad­vanced Cus­tom Fields and don’t want my cus­tom fields to be hy­phen­at­ed! How can I dis­able that behavior?

Please in­stall the wp-​Typography Dis­able ACF In­te­gra­tion plu­g­in by @sarukku. Al­ter­na­tive­ly, you can al­so di­rect­ly use the fil­ter hook typo_disable_filtering in your functions.php. […]

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Can I make a do­na­tion to sup­port this plugin?

No. We don’t want your mon­ey. If you want to show your sup­port, we would great­ly ap­pre­ci­ate a link to mund​schenk​.at from your web­site — per­haps with a nice re­view of this plu­g­in. We would al­so great­ly ap­pre­ci­ate a 5‑star rat­ing for this plu­g­in in the Word­Press Plu­g­in Di­rec­to­ry. […]

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Can I port this plu­g­in to an­oth­er CMS?

Yes. In fact, We have done most of the work for you. I have sep­a­rat­ed all of the core func­tion­al­i­ty of wp-​Typography in­to a stand-​alone project—PHP Ty­pog­ra­phy—that is eas­i­ly port­ed to any oth­er PHP-​based con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem. There is al­so a Com­pos­er pack­age. […]

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Can I de­vel­op a hy­phen­ation pat­tern file for an­oth­er language?

Per­haps. wp-​Typography us­es a de­riv­a­tive of hy­phen­ation pat­terns de­vel­oped for the TeX plat­form. Here is a col­lec­tion of many of the avail­able TeX hy­phen­ation pat­tern files. You will need to find a file for the lan­guage you wish to ad­dress. Next, look in the source code for wp-​Typography at /php-Typography/lang_unformatted/template.txt, the spe­cif­ic needs of lan­guage spe­cif­ic hy­phen­ation pat­terns for this plu­g­in, and how to con­vert them from the orig­i­nal TeX pat­terns are de­tailed […]

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Why does this plu­g­in fil­ter con­tent at page load? Wouldn’t it be more ef­fi­cient to do it when post is saved?

There are a few reasons:

  1. If I processed at the time of sav­ing a post, the changes are de­struc­tive. This means: 
    • If peo­ple to back to ed­it their work, there will be a mul­ti­tude of hid­den char­ac­ters that will in­ter­fere with their efforts
    • Spell check would be bro­ken (in browsers like Firefox)
    • If you dis­able the plu­g­in, the changes are still hard­cod­ed, and will not go away.
  2. Changes would on­ly ap­ply to posts saved af­ter the plu­g­in was en­abled (not on pre­vi­ous posts, since they have al­ready been saved,
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Do you plan on of­fer­ing drop-​cap capabilities?

No. The gen­er­al phi­los­o­phy of this plu­g­in is to en­able func­tion­al­i­ty that is oth­er­wise un­avail­able us­ing standards-​based web de­sign. Drop caps can be im­ple­ment­ed us­ing CSS. Here is an example:

Class names and di­men­sions will need to be ad­just­ed to your spe­cif­ic application. […]

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What are wid­ows and why pro­tect them?

A wid­ow is the fi­nal word in a block of text that falls to its own line. Es­pe­cial­ly if the wid­ow is on­ly a few char­ac­ters long, she can get lone­ly. wp-​Typography will try to pro­tect wid­ows by bring­ing them com­pa­ny from the pre­vi­ous line.

There is dan­ger that the widow’s com­pa­ny will leave the pre­vi­ous line with less than op­ti­mal word spac­ing. The risk is less if your text is left-​aligned, but if it is jus­ti­fied, tread care­ful­ly. The pro­tec­tion of wid­ows is com­plete­ly cus­tomiz­able in the […]

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What hy­phen­ation al­go­rithm is used?

The hy­phen­ation al­go­rithm used by wp-​Typography is based on the 1983 Stan­ford Ph.D. the­sis of pro­fes­sor Frank Liang: Word Hy-​phen-​a-​tion by Com-​puter. In this the­sis, Dr. Liang al­so de­vel­oped an Eng­lish (Unit­ed States) pat­tern file for use with his al­go­rithm. Liang’s Eng­lish pat­tern file was up­dat­ed in 1991 by Pe­ter Breitenlohner.

The re­sult­ing al­go­rithm — with the Eng­lish (Unit­ed States) pat­terns — finds 90% of all al­lowed hy­phen­ation points iden­ti­fied in the Webster’s […]

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