Please install the wp-Typography Disable ACF Integration plugin by @sarukku. Alternatively, you can also directly use the filter hook typo_disable_filtering in your functions.php. […]
Can I make a donation to support this plugin?
No. We don’t want your money. If you want to show your support, we would greatly appreciate a link to from your website — perhaps with a nice review of this plugin. We would also greatly appreciate a 5‑star rating for this plugin in the WordPress Plugin Directory. […]
Can I port this plugin to another CMS?
Yes. In fact, We have done most of the work for you. I have separated all of the core functionality of wp-Typography into a stand-alone project—PHP Typography—that is easily ported to any other PHP-based content management system. There is also a Composer package. […]
Can I develop a hyphenation pattern file for another language?
Perhaps. wp-Typography uses a derivative of hyphenation patterns developed for the TeX platform. Here is a collection of many of the available TeX hyphenation pattern files. You will need to find a file for the language you wish to address. Next, look in the source code for wp-Typography at /php-Typography/lang_unformatted/template.txt, the specific needs of language specific hyphenation patterns for this plugin, and how to convert them from the original TeX patterns are detailed […]
Why does this plugin filter content at page load? Wouldn’t it be more efficient to do it when post is saved?
There are a few reasons:
- If I processed at the time of saving a post, the changes are destructive. This means:
- If people to back to edit their work, there will be a multitude of hidden characters that will interfere with their efforts
- Spell check would be broken (in browsers like Firefox)
- If you disable the plugin, the changes are still hardcoded, and will not go away.
- Changes would only apply to posts saved after the plugin was enabled (not on previous posts, since they have already been saved,
Will this plugin slow my page loading times?
Maybe. For best performance, use a persistent object cache plugin like WP Redis. […]
Do you plan on offering drop-cap capabilities?
No. The general philosophy of this plugin is to enable functionality that is otherwise unavailable using standards-based web design. Drop caps can be implemented using CSS. Here is an example:
Class names and dimensions will need to be adjusted to your specific application. […]
What are widows and why protect them?
A widow is the final word in a block of text that falls to its own line. Especially if the widow is only a few characters long, she can get lonely. wp-Typography will try to protect widows by bringing them company from the previous line.
There is danger that the widow’s company will leave the previous line with less than optimal word spacing. The risk is less if your text is left-aligned, but if it is justified, tread carefully. The protection of widows is completely customizable in the […]
What hyphenation algorithm is used?
The hyphenation algorithm used by wp-Typography is based on the 1983 Stanford Ph.D. thesis of professor Frank Liang: Word Hy-phen-a-tion by Com-puter. In this thesis, Dr. Liang also developed an English (United States) pattern file for use with his algorithm. Liang’s English pattern file was updated in 1991 by Peter Breitenlohner.
The resulting algorithm — with the English (United States) patterns — finds 90% of all allowed hyphenation points identified in the Webster’s […]
Can I control how a specific word is hyphenated?
Yes. The administrative panel for wp-Typography includes an editable exceptions list. […]